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Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog where I desire to bring awareness to the MS disease through my transparent everyday journey. By sharing a piece of my life, I wish to promote change and inspire those who read. Please enjoy and share these stories with someone who could use a word of encouragement.

         "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"  - Philippians 4:13


Working together leads to great accomplishments

Writer: Lisa RayLisa Ray

We all have gifts and talents which is wonderful! When we come together on a project or initiative you will be more productive and the outcome will be solid!

In this quest, to bring awareness to Multiple Sclerosis it is so important to share information; what doesn't work for me may help you! What doesn't work for you may help me! We can go so much farther when we are united and having a "Can Do" attitude! Great accomplishments are on the horizon as we come together! Teamwork makes the dream work! Be encouraged.



You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. 
- Maya Angelou
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